
Swithland St Leonard's CofE Primary School

Inspire, Empower, Flourish

Home Page

Class Two

Academic Year 2023-24

Welcome to Class 2!

Here's where you can take an insight into our exciting topics and learning, find out important information about Class 2 and brush up on your phonics knowledge with help from our support videos. 


Topic 6 


In this topic, we will learn about the history of flight, read stories and information about space, create atmosphere with music and build a model rocket.


Our Christian value is: Friendship


During this topic, we will also be learning:



Year 1: Place Value to 100, Money, Time.

Year 2: Consolidation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


Posters; Character descriptions; Non-chronological reports; Adverts; Science fiction.

Reading comprehension - Space Detectives by Mark Powers


Healthy Lifestyles – Food groups and balanced diets.


Craft and Design: Map it out - Map making through various art forms.


Rocket to the Moon – Making lists, using spread sheets and graphics.


Caring for Others


How did we learn to fly? - History of flight, significant events and people from the past.


Citizenship and Transition

Routes 2 Resilience words = Adventurous, Courageous, Polite


Space - Dynamics, timbre, tempo and motifs.


Athletics (including Sports Day) & cricket

TOPIC 5 - The World Around Us



During this topic, we will be covering and learning the following...


Postcards, Poems about the weather and seasons, myths and legends.

 Our class reading book is "The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark" by Jill Tomlinson


Yr 1 – Multiplication & Division; Fractions; Time.

Yr 2 – Fractions & Time. 


Seasons / Animals, including humans - Health & survival


Weather in the UK


Rounders & Tennis

Design & Technology

Textiles - Pouches.


Who is Jewish and how do they live? 

Christian value: Trust.    


Myths & Legends


Online safety- How much time should we spend on technology?

Word Processing


Routes 2 Resilience words – Honest, Understanding, Polite

Economic Wellbeing

Everybody`s Welcome Books “My World, Your World".

Topic 4 - Memory Box

During this topic, we will be covering and learning the following...


Rhymes and mnemonics, Descriptions, Non-Chronological Reports; Traditional tales.

 Our class reading book is "Marv and the Mega Robot" by Alex Falase-Koyo


Yr 1 – Addition and Subtraction, Measures- Length and Height; Mass and Volume.

Yr 2 – Multiplication and Division, Measures- Length and Height; Mass and Volume.





How have toys changed?


Dodge Ball and Gymnastics

Design & Technology

Structures – Baby Bear’s Chair; exploring structures and stability.


Drawing – Tell a story; enhancing mark making, exploring textures, observational drawing.


Why does easter matter to Christians?

Christian value: Loyalty.    After half term  - Forgiveness.


Vocal and body sounds- By the Sea.



Online safety- Posting and sharing online.

Programming - Algorithms and Debugging


Routes 2 Resilience words – Aspirational, Self-Control, Independent

Relationships -Everybody`s Welcome Books “Great Big Book of families” & “Blown Away”.

Topic 3 -China

During this topic, we will be covering and learning the following...


Our class reading book is "Einstein the Penguin" by Iona Rangeley

Writing - Stories from other cultures; Poetry; Setting descriptions.


Yr 1 – Place Value to 20; Shape and Money

Yr 2 – Shape; Multiplication and Division; Money


Animals including Humans


What is it like to live in Shanghai? 


Handball and Fitness

Design & Technology

Making a Moving Monsters


Why does Christmas Matter to Christians; Judaism

Christian value: Loyalty (Start of Spring Term 2024)


West African Call and Response


Online safety- Using the internet safely

What is a Computer?


Routes 2 Resilience words – Determined, Kind, Creative (Start of Spring Term 2024)

Keeping safe on the internet. Relationships

Topic 2 - Marvellous Materials


Our class reading book is ‘Harry the Poisonous Centipede’.


Yr 1 – Addition and Subtraction, Shape

Yr 2 – Addition and Subtraction, Shape



Materials – everyday materials and their properties.


Making History – my history, special events, lives of children in the past.


Rugby and Dance

Design & Technology

Cooking and Nutrition - A balance Diet



Craft and design - Woven Wonders, exploring wool, fibres and threads, warp and weft.


Why does Christmas matter to Christians?

Christian value: Consideration


Timbre and rhymical patterns- Fairy Tales.



Online safety- Using the internet safely.

Programming - Algorithms unplugged


Routes 2 Resilience words – Positive, Happy, Tolerant

Keeping safe. Drug, alcohol, and tobacco


Topic 1 -Beachcombers

During this topic, we will be covering and learning the following...



Writing stories in familiar settings, Poetry; Recounts; Labels, Signs and Captions. Our class reading book is "Lucy and Tom at the Seaside" by Shirley Hughes.


Yr 1 – Place Value (Within 10); Addition and Subtraction (Within 10).

Yr 2 – Place value; Addition and Subtraction 


Living Things and Habitats  



Living by the Coast


Football and Hockey

Design & Technology

Mechanisms: fairgrounds 


Make your Mark 


What do Christians believe God is like?

Christian value: Thankfulness


Musical Vocabulary (Under the Sea).


Online Safety; Improving Mouse Skills.


Routes 2 Resilience words - Confident, Resilient, Curious

Healthy Lifestyles; Mental Health, Ourselves, Growing and Changing.

Important information about Class 2


Please ensure PE kits are in school everyday.  They will be sent home each half term but should remain in school throughout the half term.  We will be doing PE on Tuesdays and Fridays, but kits should be in school everyday please.


Every child should bring water in a named bottle to school each day.  They will be encouraged to drink regularly throughout the day.


Book bags should be in school every day as we will always take every opportunity to listen to children read, the children can change their own books if needed. Individual reading books will be changed once a week. It is important to re-read books several times in order to build on fluency, understanding and enjoyment. 


Homework will be posted onto Teams every Thursday and is expected to be handed in by the following Monday. If you have any difficulties accessing the homework or spellings, please do let us know. It is important that children complete their homework. We do value all the support families offer in order to complete these tasks and it really does help your child and shows them that their work is valued. 


Please do not hesitate to contact us by email, telephone call or note if there is anything we can do to help you or your child during their time with us in Class 2. 

Recommended Reads

Phonics Pronunciation Videos for Parents.

These are phase 3 and phase 5 Pronunciation videos to help support your learning of phonics at home.

Phase 5 Pronunciation

Summer Term 2023

As our last topic comes to an end we are now starting our new and exciting topic,

Muck, Mess and Mixtures


Let’s get messy. Muck and mess are good.  In fact, they're marvellous.

Dive in and get your hands and feet all sticky and covered in paint. Play with liquids, squish some dough and check out the slushiest and mushiest foods. Pour, mix, stir, splat. How does it feel to get your hands covered in goo? Make a wobbly jelly and draw with wibbly clay. Write recipes, instructions, riddles and poems – there are loads of scrummy words to describe messy mixtures. Work with paint and other squelchy stuff. 

Don’t worry about the mess – it’ll always wash!

During this topic, we will be covering and learning the following...


Fantasy stories;  Poetry ; Instructions/Recipes  



Yr 1 – Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Position and Direction, Money, Time, Place value to 100.

Yr 2 – Fractions, Time, Statistics, Position and Direction






Wonderful World - looking at some of the UK`s landmarks; locating some of the world`s most amazing places;  Naming and locating the five oceans; drawing human and physical features on a sketch map; Investigating local habitats and recording findings.


Theme– animation, art and food. Sorting into chronological order; discussing and debating using historical knowledge; compare and consider how things have changed over time.


Bat and ball skills - Attacking and defending; Athletics

Design & Technology

Understand where food come from; Taste a range of foods from around the world. Understand and use basic principles of hygiene and safety when handling foods.



Describe sensory properties of different materials and decide which ones to select when making something;    

Develop ideas from a variety of starting points including the natural world, man-made objects, fantasy and stories.  

Create pictures in the style of Claude Monet focusing on colour and texture, line, shape. 


Who is a Muslim and how do they live?

Christian value: Trust


20th Century Music - looking at the key features of folk, experimental, disco, film, The Beatles & Modern Bhangra.  Play instruments as well as compose in different styles.



Create and debug simple programs; research using the internet to find recipes; create simple stop motion animation films; Create a simple PowerPoint


Routes 2 Resilience- Polite, Courageous and Resilient.

Living in The Wider World  - Shared Responsibilities; Economic Well-Being – Money ; Economic Well-Being – Aspiration, Work & Career

Spring/Summer Term 2023

For the first part of this half term we will be continuing with our much loved topic 

Dinosaur Planet

In a couple of weeks we will be starting our new topic so keep a check on this Class page to find out more soon. 


Watch out everyone – the dinosaurs are on the prowl. They’re rampaging across the dusty earth, swishing their enormous tails and baring their fearsome teeth. Let’s explore the Dinosaur Planet. Imagine you’re a palaeontologist (that’s a scientist who studies bones and fossils). Dig deep and discover dazzling dinosaur facts. Create a dinosaur museum and invite visitors to see your awesome dinosaur artefacts. You could even do a dinosaur dance or produce some prehistoric percussion. Which is your favourite dinosaur? The Tyrannosaurus, the Brachiosaurus or the Micropachycephalosaurus? Doyouthinkhesawus? Yes, he did. Run!

During this topic, we will be covering and learning the following...



Poetry, Information texts and fact files, fantasy stories


Yr 1 - Multiplication and Division. 

Yr 2 - Fractions




Locate and name the continents and oceans, Identify animals associated with particular continents and use maps and atlases to locate these, Consider why fossils are found and why, Find out about and locate species of animals at risk of extinction.


Looking at chronological order using different ways to present this, Learning about a significant person in history, Mary Anning, learning about the word "extinction" and what it means.


Bat and ball skills -attacking and defending

Design & Technology

Design and make own sock puppet.


Make 2D and 3D representations, Use lines to create texture.


Christian value: Trust. Our new Bible story is "Jesus walks on Water".


20th Century Music


Programming and controlling a floor robot, Creating a dinosaur video.


Routes 2 Resilience-  We will be focusing on the words: Self-Control, Independence, Aspirational.

Families and close positive relationships; Safe relationships, managing hurtful behaviour, Respecting self and others.

SPRING 1 2023

Happy New Year! We hope you have had an enjoyable Christmas and are looking forward to our latest exciting topic

Towers, Tunnels and Turrets

See the castle ahead? Get ready to invade it's mighty walls. Shoot a projectile with an archer’s aim. Head across the drawbridge, over the moat and up to the top of the tower. Meet Rapunzel who lives in a tall, tall tower. Let’s build a brand new one. Whose is the tallest? Can you measure it? Then dig deep, deep down, making burrows and tunnels, just like the animals who live underground. What’s that sound? I hear little hooves going trip, trap, trip, trap, over the rickety bridge. Watch out for the angry troll underneath .He likes to gobble up little girls and boys. Make sure your bridge is sturdy enough to take our weight and get us safely to the other side.

During this topic, we will be covering and learning the following...



Write a recount. Write an adventure story. Write a letter.


Yr 1 - Place value, addition and subtraction, measures. 

Yr 2 - Money, multiplication and division, measures. 




Identify the UK and its countries.  Know the names / location of the major oceans. 

Look at towers from around the World.  Identify world famous tunnels.  eg channel tunnel and/ or bridges


Look at castles from different periods and put  into chronological order. Learn about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. 



Games – Bat and ball skills, striking and fielding.

Design & Technology

Build, evaluate and develop model of castles, towers and bridges.  Learn about great bridge designers

Create tunnels using natural materials.


Use modelling materials to create a realistic or imagined castles and towers. Draw abstract or realistic representations. Compare artwork from past and present. 


Christian value: Loyalty. Our new Bible story is Ruth and Naomi

What does it mean to belong to a faith community?




 Scratch Jnr –make codes and debug.  Use drawing software to create pictures.  Use the internet to take virtual tours. 

E-safety week - Understand what it means to be online (what is the internet?). Know why it is important not to give personal details on the internet. Respect and be kind to others online.


Routes 2 Resilience-  We will be focusing on the words: Determined, Kind and Creative.

Families and close positive relationships. Friendships. 

Autumn Term 2

We hope you have all had a relaxing half term and are ready to continue your learning as we begin our new topic.


Bright Lights, Big City.


Put on your best outfit because you’re invited to have tea at the Palace. Use your best manners and comb your hair, as one will not be amused if you don’t! What do you know about England’s capital city? Let’s find out all about London, including its history, transport and famous landmarks. Step back in time and discover what happened in the Great Fire of London. Where did it start? How did it end?  London’s burning! London’s burning! Fire, fire! Fire, fire! Hang on, there’s someone new in town. Plan a tour for Marley the Meerkat (he’s come all the way from Zambia, you know) making sure he takes in all the sights and sounds of London before he finally meets his family at London Zoo. Are you ready for the bright lights of the big city? Hop in a black cab and enjoy the ride.

During this topic, we will be covering and learning the following...



Stories in familiar settings. Reading and writing instructions. Writing a formal letter to the King or Queen. Reading our class book "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse". Reading and writing diaries.


Addition & Subtraction. Geometry.


Identifying seasonal changes. Revisiting animals / humans. Completing various investigations.


Identifying and naming the countries and capital cities of the UK. Recognizing London landmarks. using and following simple maps of London. Comparing London to a different locality.


Comparing the lives of different monarchs. Using artefacts and pictures to pose questions. To learn about the Great Fire of London.


Ball skills – rolling, throwing, catching and aiming.  Forest School will be on Thursday afternoons.

Design & Technology

Design and sketch ideas for a model of the London Eye. To make a moving model using construction kits. To use a sliding mechanism to create a 2-D moving picture. To bake bread.


To look at artists work depicting London in different styles. To join materials using different techniques (sewing).

Outline personal likes and dislikes regarding their own work. 


Christian value: Consideration. Our new Bible story is The Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:25-37)

Who is a Muslim and how do they live? (Part 1).



Songs about London.


Scratch Junior. Virtual tours of London landmarks. 

Use internet to find, copy and paste images. 

Use technology safely and respectfully. Know where to go if they have any concerns. 


Routes 2 Resilience-  We will be focusing on the words: Positive, Happy, Tolerant.  

Healthy Lifestyles, Mental Health,  Keeping safe. Children in Need. Anti-Bullying Week.

Knowledge Organisers


Class 2 Recommended Reads Autumn Term 2

Welcome to Class 2!

Autumn Term 1 2022

Mrs Howell and Mrs Weston hope that you are looking forward to a fun packed year of learning. We have lots of great topics to cover this year. We are kickstarting our learning in this first half term with.....

The Enchanted Woodland


If you go down to the woods today you’re in for a BIG surprise. Foxes and badgers, voles and mice, beady eyed owls in the swaying tree tops. Beneath the leaves are tiny footprints – animal or imp? You decide. Deciduous or evergreen? Can you match a leaf to its tree? Let’s build a den, stick by stick and branch by branch. Or we could make a teeny tiny home for a woodland fairy. Then let’s party down in the woods with Mr Fox and all his woodland friends. We’d better not get lost. Let’s leave a trail of conkers as we go.

During this topic, we will be covering and learning the following...



Write narratives in the style of a known fairy tales/traditional tales ; Write instructions, recounts and lists; Read, write and perform poems. 


Number and place value, Addition and Subtraction.


Observe the local environment throughout the year and ask and answer questions about living things and seasonal change.


Draw or read a simple picture map.  Follow a route on a prepared map using simple compass directions. 

Make a simple map of the school including the woodland area. Construct a basic key using symbols. 

Use observational skills. 


Know about Robin Hood. 

How has Swithland Woods changed / not changed over time? 

What are the structures in Swithland Woods? 



Ball skills – rolling, throwing & catching and aiming.  

Design & Technology

Design and construct simple structures, models or other products using a range of materials. Select and use a range of materials, beginning to explain their choices. Discuss and explore how products can be improved.

Use good hygiene in food preparation.  Select healthy ingredients for a fruit or vegetable salad.


Know about the famous artist Claude Monet and Andy Goldsworthy.

Make transient art and pattern work using a range or combination of man-made and natural materials. Identify and use paints in the primary colours.

Describe the sensory properties of a range of different materials and decide which ones to use when making something.

Use lines to represent a shape or outline when drawing and painting. 

Outline personal likes and dislikes regarding their own work. 


Christian value:

Who do Christians say made the World? 



Country Gardens-Granger 


Understand that there are online tools that can help people to create content and communicate.

Understand what an algorithm is.

Online research about the Woodland Trust. 

Use internet to find, copy and paste images. Develop basic word processing skills.

Use technology safely and respectfully. Know where to go if they have any concerns. 


Routes 2 Resilience-  We will be focusing on the words   Confident, Resilient, Curious  

Healthy Lifestyles, Mental Health,  Growing & Changing

Knowledge Organisers

Recommended Reads

Additional recommended topic reads


As a school, we carry out lessons on internet safety. Because many children are currently spending more time online, we would like to signpost you to the following sites so you can talk together about staying safe online.


Top tips on how to stay safe online.


Here is a series of 3 videos aimed at children aged 4-7 discussing staying safe online.

Games and activities