Academic Year 2024-25
Welcome to Class 2!
Here's where you can take an insight into our exciting topics and learning, find out important information about Class 2 and brush up on your phonics knowledge with help from our support videos.
Over the next six weeks, we will be finding out about the amazing world of plants and learn how they come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny seeds to huge trees. We will discover how plants grow, how they help us by giving us food, air, and beautiful flowers, and how some plants can be used for medicine or to make things we need.
We will hear stories of curious and brave explorers who went on exciting journeys to find faraway places and make new discoveries.
Imagine what it would be like to go on your own adventure to find something amazing!
Let’s go!
During this topic we will be learning about the following...
English | Our class reading books are Rainforests and Where the Wild things are. Our writing will focus on adventure stories, information texts, and instructions. |
Maths | Yr 1 –Addition and Subtraction. Yr 2 –Multiplication and Division. |
Science | Plants and Seasonal Changes |
History | How have explorers changed the world? |
PE | Dodgeball and Gymnastics |
Design & Technology | Textiles - Puppets |
RE | Good News Christian Value - Forgiveness |
Music | Pitch – Musical Me |
Computing | Programming Block Coding using Scratch Jnr and Online safety |
Wellbeing | Citizenship R2R words - Determined, Kind & Patient |
Topic 3
People & Places
Welcome to the exciting and colourful world of People and Places, imagine living in a super hot desert or a freezing cold, snowy place! In this part of our journey, we’ll explore what it’s like to live in places with really hot weather, like Kenya, or places with icy cold temperatures, like the North Pole. We’ll dive into the world of art by creating beautiful paintings and learning how to build cool things like windmills. Get ready to explore, create, and have fun!
During this topic we will be learning about the following...
English | Our class reading book is ‘The boy who grew dragons’. Our writing will focus on recounts, sentence types, poetry and fact files. |
Maths | Yr 1 – Consolidation of Addition and Subtraction, Place Value. Yr 2 – Geometry – shape ; Money; Multiplication and Division. |
Science | Animals including humans - growth |
Geography | Would you rather live in a hot or cold place? |
PE | Yoga and Fitness |
Design & Technology | Construct a windmill  |
Art | Painting and mixed media - Life in colour |
RE | What is a faith community? Christian Value - Loyalty |
Music | Pitch – Superheroes |
Computing | Online safety- Using the internet safely. Introduction to data. |
Wellbeing | Safety and changing body R2R words - Determined, Kind & Patient |
Topic 2
Majestic Monarchs
In this topic we will find out about the role of a monarch and compare the monarchy of today with the monarchy in the past. We will learn who William the Conqueror was, investigate how he became King and learn how he used castles to rule. We will also study different types of castles and consider how these evolved over time.
Our Christian value is: Consideration
During this topic, we will also be learning:
Maths | Year 1: Addition & Subtraction, Geometry. Year 2: Addition & Subtraction, Geometry. |
English | Diary Writing, Information texts, Fact writing, Autumn / Fire poems. Reading comprehension - Too Small Tola by Atinkue |
Science | Animals including Humans - All about me x 2 lessons Seasonal Change |
Art | Paper Play |
DT | Making a Moving Storybook |
Computing | Online Safety, Digital Imagery |
RE | Who is a Muslim and how do they live? Part 1 |
History | What is a Monarch? |
Wellbeing | Health and Wellbeing Routes 2 Resilience words - Positive, Happy, Tolerant |
Music | Dynamics & temp Animals |
PE | Rugby, Dance & Forest School |
Important information about Class 2
Mrs Weston will be your teacher on Mondays and Tuesdays. Mrs Howell will be your teacher on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Blair, Mrs Drake and Mrs Sloneczny will be supporting lessons throughout the week.
Please ensure PE kits are in school everyday. They will be sent home each half term but should remain in school throughout the half term. We will be doing PE on Tuesdays and Fridays, but kits should be in school everyday please.
Every child should bring water in a named bottle to school each day. They will be encouraged to drink regularly throughout the day.
Book bags should be in school every day as we will always take every opportunity to listen to children read, the children can change their own books if needed. Individual reading books will be changed once a week. It is important to re-read books several times in order to build on fluency, understanding and enjoyment.
Homework will be posted onto Teams every Thursday and is expected to be handed in by the following Monday. If you have any difficulties accessing the homework or spellings, please do let us know. It is important that children complete their homework. We do value all the support families offer in order to complete these tasks and it really does help your child and shows them that their work is valued.
Please do not hesitate to contact us by email, telephone call or note if there is anything we can do to help you or your child during their time with us in Class 2.
Knowledge Organisers
Topic 1
The Enchanted Woodland
If you go down to the woods today, you’re in for a BIG surprise. Foxes and badgers, voles and mice, beady eyed owls in the swaying treetops. Beneath the leaves are tiny footprints – animal or imp? You decide. Deciduous or evergreen? Can you match a leaf to its tree? Can you match a petal to its flower? Let’s build a den, stick by stick and branch by branch. Or we could make a teeny tiny home for a woodland fairy. We’d better not get lost. Let’s leave a trail of conkers as we go. At last, it’s time to rest, listening to stories and the sounds of the forest.
Our Christian value is: Thankfulness
During this topic, we will also be learning:
Maths | Year 1: Place Value (within 10), Addition and Subtraction (within 10). Year 2: Place Value, Addition and Subtraction. |
English | Recounts, Information texts, Lists and Instructions, Narrative - the story of Hansel & Gretel. Reading comprehension - Princess Minna and the Enchanted Forest by Kirsty Applebaum |
Science | Animals including Humans - All about me |
Art | Colour Splash- painting and mixed media |
DT | Fruit and Vegetables - Making smoothies |
Computing | Online Safety, Beebots. |
RE | The Creation |
Geography | What is it like here? |
Wellbeing | Family and Relationships Routes 2 Resilience words - Confident, Resilient, Curious |
Music | Pulse & Rhythm - All about me |
PE | Football, Hockey & Forest School |
Important information about Class 2
Mrs Weston will be your teacher on Mondays and Tuesdays. Mrs Howell will be your teacher on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Blair, Mrs Drake and Mrs Sloneczny will be supporting lessons throughout the week.
Please ensure PE kits are in school everyday. They will be sent home each half term but should remain in school throughout the half term. We will be doing PE on Tuesdays and Fridays, but kits should be in school everyday please.
Every child should bring water in a named bottle to school each day. They will be encouraged to drink regularly throughout the day.
Book bags should be in school every day as we will always take every opportunity to listen to children read, the children can change their own books if needed. Individual reading books will be changed once a week. It is important to re-read books several times in order to build on fluency, understanding and enjoyment.
Homework will be posted onto Teams every Thursday and is expected to be handed in by the following Monday. If you have any difficulties accessing the homework or spellings, please do let us know. It is important that children complete their homework. We do value all the support families offer in order to complete these tasks and it really does help your child and shows them that their work is valued.
Please do not hesitate to contact us by email, telephone call or note if there is anything we can do to help you or your child during their time with us in Class 2.
Recommended Reads
Knowledge Organisers
As a school, we carry out lessons on internet safety. Because many children are currently spending more time online, we would like to signpost you to the following sites so you can talk together about staying safe online.
Top tips on how to stay safe online.
Here is a series of 3 videos aimed at children aged 4-7 discussing staying safe online.
Online learning games and activities