This topic will involve us thinking about our environment, the damage we as humans can do to it and the ways we can help to protect it.
Our Christian value is: Forgiveness
During this seven week topic, we will also be learning:
Maths | Year 5: Decimals and Percentages, Perimeter and Area Year 6: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, Area, Perimeter and Volume |
English | Discursive writing, short stories Reading comprehension - Kensuke's Kingdom |
Science | Looking After Our Environment |
D & T | Automata Toys |
Computing | Micro:bit |
Geography | Why Do Oceans Matter? |
RE | Torah |
Wellbeing | Citizenship |
Music | Colour: Holi |
French | Mon temps libre |
PE | Dodgeball and Gymnastics |
We will also be attending our residential for a week in March.
On Wednesday afternoons we will have a Forest School session.
Darwin's Delight
This topic will involve us investigating life in Tudor times, using a variety of sources of evidence including portraits, inventories and primary sources.
Our Christian value is: Loyalty
During this six week topic, we will also be learning:
Maths | Year 5: Algebra and Ratio Year 6: Fractions, Multiplication and Division |
English | Biography, Narrative focussing on description of area or species Reading comprehension - Darwin's Dragon |
Science | Evolution and Inheritance |
D & T | Come Dine With Me |
Computing | Mars Rover 2 |
RE | Torah |
History | Tudor England |
Wellbeing | Safety and Changing Body |
Music | Dynamics - Coast |
French | Les animaux extrordinaires |
PE | Dance and Rugby |
In this unit we will be conducting fieldwork to understand the impact of population on local areas; we will be learn about population change and the factors that influence this.
Our Christian value is: Consideration
During this six week topic, we will also be learning:
Maths | Year 5: Multiplication and division Year 6: Fractions |
English | Narrative adventures using speech and poetry Reading comprehension - Crater Lake |
Science | Light |
D & T | Hand Steady Games |
Art | Interactive Instillations |
Computing | Mars Rover |
RE | Jesus the Messiah |
Geography | Population Change |
Wellbeing | Health and Wellbeing |
Music | Blues |
French | Les colours et les formes |
PE | Dance and Rugby |
A Child's War
In this topic, we will use the historical skills of inference, extracting information from sources to identify the causes of World War 2; describe how children may have felt when evacuated; evaluate the accuracy and reliability of sources and describe the impact WW2 had on women’s lives.
Our Christian value is: Thankfulness
During this six week topic, we will also be learning:
Maths | Year 5: Place Value, addition and subtraction Year 6: Place Value, addition and subtraction |
English | Narratives and letter writing. Reading comprehension - When the Sky Falls |
Science | Materials |
D & T | Creating waistcoats |
Art | Artist study |
Computing | Bletchley Park |
RE | Hinduism |
History | The Impact of World War II |
Wellbeing | Family and relationships |
Music | Songs of WW2 |
French | Les Dates |
PE | Hockey and Football |
Internet Safety
As a school, we carry out lessons on internet safety. Because many children are currently spending more time online, we would like to signpost you to the following sites so you can talk together about staying safe online.
Top tips on how to stay safe online.
Here is a series of 3 videos aimed at children aged 8-10 looking at staying safe online.
Had fun playing Band Runner? Now watch Sam, Ellie and Alfie continue their adventures in the Play Like Share films. The films will help you learn more about staying safe online. |