
Swithland St Leonard's CofE Primary School

Inspire, Empower, Flourish

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Class Four

Topic 6

Unheard Histories


In this topic, we will use the historical skills of inference, extracting information from sources, evaluating historical figures and the opportunity, like historians. The unit will also allow us to consider the contributions to Britain of a diverse group of people, whose experiences are less well-known.


Our Christian value is: Friendship


During this six week topic, we will also be learning:



Year 5: Converting unit, and volume.

Year 6: Consolidation of areas covered so far this year and advanced problem solving.


Playscripts, writing and delivering presentations.

Reading comprehension - Orphans of the Tide

ScienceInvestigations and consolidation of area covered so far
D & TCreating pop up books
ComputingIntroduction to Python

How to live


Unheard histories



MusicLeavers song
FrenchLe Sport
PESwimming and Cricket  

Knowledge Organiser

Topic 5


In English we will be learning how to write fiction linked to science fiction and studying and creating area guides. Our class novel is The High Rise Mystery, but before we read that we will be looking at Windrush Child.


The main focus in Maths will be shape, position and direction, and decimals. Science is focusing on animals including humans, we will be learning about how we change as we age and gestation in different mammals. In Geography we will be looking at our local area and thinking about fieldwork.  We'll be designing, creating and evaluating bridges in Design Technology. In computing we will be continuing our learning about data devices and we will continue to think about online safety and our music unit will focus on looping and remixing. French will allow us to design our own monsters. Our Wellbeing work will focus on economic wellbeing.

Homework will be set each Monday and due in the following Monday.


After February half term our Routes to Resilience words for this half term are AspirationSelf-Control and Independence.


We will be focusing on our Christian Value of Trust.


PE lessons will usually take place on a Monday and a Friday, but this may change so please ensure that you have your full PE kit in school everyday, this topic we are studying Rounders and Athletics.

Knowledge Organisers

Topic 4


In English we will be learning how to write fiction linked to realism and studying graphic narrative. Our class novel is Who Let the Gods out which raises issues around young carers but also finding help from unusual places.


The main focus in Maths will be fractions, decimals and percentages; area, perimeter and volume followed by statistics. Science is focusing on Earth and Space, considering our solar system; day and night and how the earth moves in space. In History we will be asking ‘What did the Greeks ever do for us?’.  We'll be designing and creating soft toys in Design Technology. In computing we will be learning about data devices and we will continue to think about online safety and our music unit will focus on Pop Art. French will allow us to talk about space in French. Our Wellbeing work will focus on relationships.

Homework will be set each Monday and due in the following Monday.


After February half term our Routes to Resilience words for this half term are AspirationSelf-Control and Independence.


We will be focusing on our Christian Value of Forgiveness.


PE lessons will usually take place on a Thursday and a Friday, but this may change so please ensure that you have your full PE kit in school everyday, this topic we are studying Gymnastics and Dodgeball.

Knowledge Organisers

Topic 3


In English we will be learning how to write explanation texts and fiction linked to realism.Our class novel is Pig Heart Boy will I'm sure will lead to lots of debate and interesting discussions


The main focus in Maths will be ratio and algebra for year 6 while year 5 are looking at multiplication and division, and then more work on fractions.


Science is focusing on animals including humans where we will be looking at the heart and circulatory system, and also thinking about the impact of exercise and substance use on our bodies. In Geography we are discovering what life is like in The Alps.  We'll be thinking about monitoring devices in Design Technology. In computing we will be learning about search engines and we will continue to think about online safety and our music unit will focus on Musical Theatre. French will allow us to think about how we describe ourselves. Our Wellbeing work will allow us to think about relationships romantic; healthy friendships and peer influence.

Homework will be set each Monday and due in the following Monday.


Our Routes to Resilience words for this half term are PositiveHappy and Tolerant.


We will be focusing on our Christian Value of Consideration.


PE lessons will usually take place on a Thursday and a Friday, but this may change so please ensure that you have your full PE kit in school everyday, this topic we are studying Fitness and Handball.

Knowledge Organisers

Topic 2

In English we will be learning how to write Myths and Legends and report writing.Our class novel will be Louis Sachar's fantastic book Holes and of course there will be lots of opportunity for reading for pleasure.


The main focus in Maths this topic will be fractions along with lots of opportunities for problem solving.


Science gives the opportunity to further explore our knowledge of Electricity. In History we are discovering How the Maya civilisation compares to the Anglo-Saxons.  We'll be creating Electric Doodlers in our Design Technology unit. In computing we will be learning about Stop Motion Animation and our music unit will focus on Composition linked to Ancient Egyptian themes. We are focusing Architecture in Art and learning about clothing in French. Our Wellbeing work will span both first aid and discussions about drugs and alcohol use.

Homework will be set each Monday and due in the following Monday.


Our Routes to Resilience words for this half term are Positive, Happy and Tolerant.


We will be focusing on our Christian Value of Consideration.


PE lessons will usually take place on a Thursday and a Friday, but this may change so please ensure that you have your full PE kit in school everyday, this topic we are studying Dance and Tag Rugby.

Knowledge Organisers

Topic 1

Welcome back after what I hope was a restful and fun-filled summer.

This term we have lots of exciting learning planned. In English we will be learning to narrative pieces to create suspense along with non-chronological reports.Our class novel will be Thomas Taylor's fabulous book Malamander and of course there will be lots of opportunity for reading for pleasure.


The main focus in Maths this half term will be place value followed by effectively and efficiently using the four calculations to solve problems.


Science will allow us to study forces and magnets. In Geography we will be focusing on what it is like to live in a desert.  We'll be thinking about how we can be healthier in our Design Technology unit What could be healthier? In computing we will be learning about programming music and our music unit will focus on film music. We are focusing on a the topic I need space in Art and learning about shopping in Au Marche in French.

Homework will be set each Monday and due in the following Monday.


Our Routes to Resilience words for this half term are ConfidenceResilience and Curiosity.


We will be focusing on our Christian Value of Thankfulness.


PE lessons will usually take place on a Monday and a Friday, but this may change so please ensure that you have your full PE kit in school everyday.


Knowledge Organisers

Internet Safety


As a school, we carry out lessons on internet safety. Because many children are currently spending more time online, we would like to signpost you to the following sites so you can talk together about staying safe online.


Top tips on how to stay safe online.


Here is a series of 3 videos aimed at children aged 8-10 looking at staying safe online.

Thinkuknow 8-10s

Had fun playing Band Runner? Now watch Sam, Ellie and Alfie continue their adventures in the Play Like Share films. The films will help you learn more about staying safe online.
