Welcome Class One
During our third topic, Will you read me a story? We will be reading lots of exciting traditional tales and journeying to magical lands where gingerbread men can run and beanstalks can grow as high as the clouds. During Topic 3 we will be covering and learning the following:
Literacy | We will continue to read through our phonics scheme Essential Letters and Sounds. We will practice reading words, captions and longer sentences. We will continue applying our phonic knowledge to our literacy lessons where we will practice writing words and simple sentences. We will also listen to an abundance of wonderful stories and retell them through story maps, sequencing and role play. |
Reading | Goldilocks and the Three Bears |
Mathematics | Numbers up to 5 Making pairs – odd and even
Understanding the World | Materials
Expressive Arts & Design | Painting and mixed media
Computing | Explore Hardware |
Physical Development | Dance
RE |
Our new Christian Value for this half term is Loyalty
Wellbeing | Managing self: Taking on challenges |
PE will be on a Thursday afternoon and Forest School will be on a Monday afternoon. In case of any changes, please make sure you have your PE kits/forest school clothes in school at all times.
Spare clothes:
Please could we kindly ask that you keep a labelled bag of spare uniform on your peg at all times.
Tapestry Learning Journeys:
Please use our class Tapestry account so that you can share your 'WOW' learning moments with your parents at home. This is the place to look out for your homework or any Memos from school.